i fiNaLLy lOvE sHoPpinG!

The title of this post is not relevant. I'm not talking about real shopping. I'm talking about working with images I shot almost every night in Photoshop! I looked and searched into my old picture folder and post-processed every potentially editable photographs.

You might ask, "Woi, siao ah? What the hell happen to you? Why suddenly so bersemangat, rajin edit picture plak?"

It all started when I accidentally crash into some Dave Hill’s work. His photos make me go, "Oh my God!! His works are really f*cking awesome!" Click on his name to go to his personal website. You need to see it for yourself to understand why I went nuts over his works. Then while Googling, I came across works by Kukubesi. Again I’m stunned in awe. I swear I must at least achieve 1% of their work. Yes, 1% will do.

So I start searching for tutorials, but most of them are skipping steps; making the readers lost halfway through their guide. In the end, I tried to experiment from where I got lost and referring to many other guides as well. Then I got real lost. Terpesong. Instead of achieving the minimalism of the painted photo feel, I went all out to make my photographs look like real paintings instead.

I shoot this lonely duckling using D80 and this is the result of my post processing.

I’m partially satisfied with some of the pictures myself (though I know it’s incomparable with Dave's and Kukubesi's). I plan to get a good rest, shoot more pictures (maybe, tengok mood), and work on them in Photoshop again (definitely!)

Check out more of my photography works at my Flickr page by clicking at the link below
(or you can also access my Flickr page through the badge I attached at this blog’s side bar).
All comments and critics are welcomed.